Not so long ago we finished a documentary project called “Crazy Canuck Collections” dedicated to breathtaking collections and collectors. While working on the episodes we were lucky to meet a unique person – an actor, illusionist, showman, collector, writer and researcher Steve Santini (pictured). We were so impressed with Steve and his passion for collecting a wide range of unusual objects that we filmed 2 episodes with him. One of the documentaries was dedicated to his collection of artifacts related to the sinking of the Titanic. The second episode was about Steve’s unique collection of medieval instruments of torture.
Curious to see it? Check out the links below! We are always looking for inspiring stories and people for our next documentaries and special projects! If you would like to share your exciting story or know somebody with an unusual biography, profession or hobby, please, let us know. We are looking forward to hearing from you at [email protected]