ECG Productions continues filming the documentary “Taiko – the Music of the Strong”. Besides the history of Taiko itself, this project also acknowledges the sad circumstances surrounding the internment camps for Japanese immigrants in Canada during World War II. Last week we filmed an interview with one of the leading experts in this field Masumi Izumi who is a Professor at the Department of Global and Regional Studies at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. These days, the Professor teaches Cultural Expressions of Japanese Canadians in Post-Internment Canada at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. Not so long ago, Masumi published her new book “Japanese Canadian Movement: Unknown history of Japanese people’s cross-border life” where she reveals the history of immigration from Japan to Canada. We are very grateful to Professor Masumi Izumi for taking the time to give us an interesting and detailed account of the events that happened during the Japanese Canadian internment and the breathtaking stories of the struggle and bravery. Please stay tuned for further updates on the filming and release dates.