We continue to introduce you to our projects. Today we are going to share one of the episodes from our award-winning series Crazy Canuck Collections. The episode is dedicated to the unique collection that belongs to Ontario resident Tim Khachurov (pictured). He fell under the spell of Japanese print, one may say, by mistake. One day while walking to school a print in an old antique shop caught his eye. Since then he has been researching, studying, and collecting Japanese prints feverishly. The beauty of color, design, line, the alluring dream like charm of composition, made him a slave to this wonderful art form. The finest form of graphic art rarely equaled, certainly never surpassed anywhere, anytime. Through many painful mistakes, and learning from experts, art dealers, Tim has amassed a very fine collection of Japanese prints representing the entire oeuvre spanning a period of nearly 200 years.
“This art form became popular in the urban culture of Edo (modern Tokyo) in the second half of the 17th century. The founder of this style is the Japanese painter and graphic artist Hisikawa Moronobu. Initially, the engravings were black and white – only ink was used, from the beginning of the 18th century, some works were then painted by hand with a brush” – says Tim Khachurov. He has given lectures and talks on Japanese prints at the Royal Ontario Museum, and other art forms at the University of Toronto. Some prints in the collection were previously owned by great collectors such as Schindler, Paul Blondeau, Hayashi Tadamasa, Wakai, and Felix Fricke.
Enjoy the episode and pick your favorite print!