Our team continues its work on the project “GULAG: Witnesses” Season 2 which tells the stories of victims of Stalin’s terror labor camps GULAG. With the help of a talented actress and singer Anastasia Pogorelova, we recreated the story of Ida Ziskina, an innocent opera singer who was arrested for imaginary crimes against Stalin’s regime and had spent 8 years in Siberian labor camps. Here is a little excerpt from the memories of Ida about those events, that Anastasia recited: “…They brought us to the railway and took us along some roundabout routes. high embankment, surrounded by a convoy and dogs. We approached the heated vehicle, on the window which had an iron grate. The guards pushed back the doors and pushed me into an empty carriage with two-story bunks, a stove, and a hole in the floor instead of a latrine.