The documentary series Crazy Canuck Collectors consists of 10 webisodes, each lasting approximately 15 minutes. Each webisode is about an unusual collection, and the person behind it. Click to watch the trailer
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The documentary series Dream Big consists of 10 webisodes and feature one successful immigrant woman who came to Canada and managed to build a successful career in their new homeland despite any circumstances. Click to watch the trailer
Cooking show that takes you to a gastronomic trip around the world without leaving your house. Each episode is dedicated to a certain ethnic cuisine. Click to watch the trailer
The documentary series Sounds of Canada Season 1 consists of 10 episodes where each episode showcases musicians and singers from Canada’s vast ethnic fabric performing all genres of music, from classical to contemporary pop and rap. Click to watch the trailer
The documentary series Sounds of Canada Season 2 consists of 10 episodes where each episode showcases musicians and singers from Canada’s vast ethnic fabric performing all genres of music, from classical to contemporary pop and rap. Click to watch the trailer
The documentary series Sounds of Canada Season 3 consists of 10 episodes where each episode showcases musicians and singers from Canada’s vast ethnic fabric performing all genres of music, from classical to contemporary pop and rap. Click to watch the trailer